

Friday, February 27, 2015

Demet qe iu ben Kosoves gjate procesit te demarkacionit me Malin e Zi

Pas demarkacionit Kosove - Mali i Zi kufiri ka leviz disa km ne brendi te Kosoves, duke i nda liqenet e njohura te Bjeshkeve te Nemuna, qe gjithemone i kane taku Kosoves. Kjo shihet edhe ne Google Earth. Ngjyra e kuqe eshte si ka qene kufiri prej vitit 1974, ngjyra e verdhe eshte kufiri pas demarkacionit.
Eshte per te ardhur keq per keto qe po i nodhin shtetit dhe teritorit ton ne njeren ane Serbia ne njeren ane Mali i Zi.Institucionet tona heshtit nuk e informojn publikun rreth zhvillimeve qe ndodhen gjate demarkacionit me Malin e Zi.
Turp ju qoft.Zoti e bekoft Kosovën.

ENG:After demarcation Kosovo - Montenegro border is moving several kilometers inside Kosovo, by popular lakes split the Accursed Mountains, you always have taku of Kosovo. This can be seen on Google Earth. The red color is as has been the limit of 1974, the yellow color is the limit after demarcation.
It is a pity for those that are happening to state and territory tone on one side Serbia on the one hand Montenegro our silent .Provisional Institutions not inform the public about developments which occurred during the demarcation with Montenegro.
Shame on you if. God bless Kosovo

Investigators: Students of the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics -Natural (Department of Geography) Pristina

1 comment:

  1. Disgrace on politicians in Kosovo that allowed these to become Kosovo damage where the blood was left to every corner of this country /
